
“Be Who You Needed Growing Up”

Being from a small town, Ashly Valenzuela grew up in a single (teenage) parent household and was subjected to the ills of custody battles, parental incarceration and poverty. These generational curses culminated in her ability and desire to help those in similar situations and become a voice of reason for the voiceless. After attending The Florida State University to study Criminology and Psychology, she pursued her Juris Doctorate at Stetson University College of Law, with a concentration in Social Justice—as her first passion was teaching and later, child advocacy and racial injustice.


Once one of her sisters began pursuing a career in performing arts in Los Angeles, her accomplishments opened Ashly’s eyes to the entertainment industry and the problems creatives face while trying to navigate such a  complex industry. Ashly’s passion for music, coupled with her heart for social justice, have lead her to pursue a career in entertainment law to assist artists, creators and performers obtain any and everything they desire out of their careers. Realizing that there is a huge gap between the creative and the law, Ashly is  now the servant who aims to aid them into the same position as the top executives and provide them the tools they need to protect themselves and their projects.

An attorney who actually cares

Starting her own law firm in the midst of the pandemic, AV Legal & Entertainment is an entertainment law firm focused on trademarks, contracts, business and music and has since been coined as THE "Legal Queen LA." Everyone in this industry needs an attorney, but not just any attorney— one who actually cares. As an empath and a nurturer, Ashly treats every client as if she is their personal caregiver and problem solver. Working with clients from the legendary Teddy Riley to everyday people just entering their careers, you hire an attorney to prevent a problem or to correct it, so why have an attorney who doesn’t see your problem as their own?

No Attorney-Client Relationship. Users hereby acknowledge and agree that all materials on this website are provided by AV Legal & Entertainment for informational purposes only and do not contain legal advice, legal opinions or any other form of advice regarding any specific facts or circumstances. Communication of information through this website (1) does not create or constitute an attorney-client relationship, (2) is not intended as a solicitation to create an attorney-client relationship to provide legal services as to any particular matter, and (3) is not intended to convey or constitute legal advice, or to provide a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a qualified attorney. You should not act upon any such information without seeking qualified legal counsel on your specific needs.